Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So has anyone ever popped your huge bubble gum bubble?

So has anyone popped your huge bubble gum bubble OR would you be the person popping someone elses? And what is your opinion of this?So has anyone ever popped your huge bubble gum bubble?
My little sister has and probably always will pop my huge bubble gum bubbles, but ONLY the huge ones. So, I often pop hers in return...

Its a never ending cycle of the two of us just being weird...

I find it annoying if you're really proud of the bubble, but otherwise I guess I don't mind...So has anyone ever popped your huge bubble gum bubble?
ew yes someone has popped mine when i was blowing it up. I thought it was a little rude to do so. I would never do that to someone. first off,germs, second,(it's rude like i said,lol)So has anyone ever popped your huge bubble gum bubble?
Nope! I don't do that !
Yes, when I was a child I had people popp my bubble and I have also popped other people's bubbles. But I have grown up now. Children can be so cruel.

It is an evil and inconsiderate thing to do. All that effort that goes to creating a perfect big bubble and then... it ends up all over your face and sometimes in your hair.

People should learn to respect other people's bubbles and the world would be a better place.

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