Sunday, February 5, 2012

Do you think after the government bond bubble pops, the Democrats will incompetently blame the free market?

Or will they finally start taking blame and blaming the source of our economic problems: Socialization and the Government?Do you think after the government bond bubble pops, the Democrats will incompetently blame the free market?
lol. The free market creates bubbles that pop and crash ever 5 years or so. It really has a great track record?

Whats funny is. The free market chooses to buy bonds, you claim it will crash. Why can't the market see this and react before? Or do you want the government to step in and force them to do something responsible, what the market doesn't want to do. Why can't the market behave itself?

The free market used it's freedom to get drunk at the wheel. I don't know that any government bond bubble will crash, but if it does, Yes it's the free markets fault. No one forced them to buy anything, they are free remember?Do you think after the government bond bubble pops, the Democrats will incompetently blame the free market?
They'll never take the blame; it's always going to be the "free market"'s fault. Doesn't matter that we haven't had a free market ever since the Federal Reserve came into existence, and that the Fed's policies are what inflated the bond bubble in the first place... somehow it'll be everyone else's fault but theirs.Do you think after the government bond bubble pops, the Democrats will incompetently blame the free market?
interest rate will sky rocket, inflation is take off like a balloon, dollars will plummet, recession will restart, we will be looking at currency crisis, stagflation, financial turmoils and unemployment blowing up. Bankruptcy is the next step for the nation. Obama must be stopped now!!
They will blame the evil Republicans. They always do.

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