Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why, when you have a bath with bubble bath in it, do the bubbles all pop when you put soap in the water?

If your soap has lanolin in it, and a lot of them do, the the grease will float on the top of the water and kill your bubbles, most soaps have some kind of fat in them, if you want to keep your bubbles, then use a shower gel to wash in the bath.

also if you have greasy lips when you drink a Cola type drink, it will go flat, same reason.Why, when you have a bath with bubble bath in it, do the bubbles all pop when you put soap in the water?
Soap reduces the surface tension of the water / bubble surface.
lack of surface tension caused by the slippery soap

x x xWhy, when you have a bath with bubble bath in it, do the bubbles all pop when you put soap in the water?
and why, no matter what colour the bubble bath is, be it purple, orange or even bright red, are the bubbles always white? i've always wanted pink bath bubbles....
Eat Baked Beans mate .... then the Bubbles will return.... problem sorted...Why, when you have a bath with bubble bath in it, do the bubbles all pop when you put soap in the water?
No they dont....they are all over ur body :-)
The bubble bath is a detergent different from soap chemically and the two clash.
I have no idea.

1 comment:

  1. Soap reacts with "hardness" minerals in water to form lime soaps, the same compounds that would otherwise show up as scum or a ring, and these substances are very effective anti-foams. This property is taken advantage of in some machine laundry detergents.

    In fully "softened" water, soap only ADDS to the foam of a bubble bath. In water with some hardness, the lime soap that results breaks the bubbles, while the bubble bath prevents the lime soap from settling as scum or ring.
