Monday, January 23, 2012

Am 19 and half weeks pregnant and have started to feel bubble popping feeling. Unsure if this is gas.?

It feel like a big bubble that pops - but also feels like a big pulse feeling.

This is def baby moving feeling right?

Am so excited. I couldnt stop touching my belly last night. But the pulse/bubble feeling wasnt there everytime. it was there occassionally.

However sometimes i feel gassy - but the gas seems to pop inside. it feels like gas also. So unsure if this is baby movments or gas?Am 19 and half weeks pregnant and have started to feel bubble popping feeling. Unsure if this is gas.?
aww yeah, sounds like thats baby! :D It's such an amazing feeling, just wait untill you can actually see your belly move when baby kicks! Its magical!

Good luck with the rest of ur pregnancy :) x
It could be a combination of both, sweetie, since your body is getting used to baby, and that is causing you to experience gas, and since baby is getting bigger, you could be experiencing the flutters also, that is exactly what I experienced when I was 19 weeks with my daughter鈾?br>

Congratulations and baby blessings are coming from me to you鈾?br>

(((hugs)))鈾モ櫏Am 19 and half weeks pregnant and have started to feel bubble popping feeling. Unsure if this is gas.?
Hey honey this is your beautiful baby starting to Move around, its such a lovely feeling

Wait a few weeks and the feeling will be stronger, its really strange but ace, Even when you

can feel like a knee or hand sticking out of your side he he good luck with the rest of

your pregnancy and enjoy it! xxxx
Aw congrats, you are starting to feel your baby move hun :) Usasully the frist few moves you feel are like bubbles. Then around 28-30week, they start to get strong and you can feel them kick kick kick! :)

Goodluck :)Am 19 and half weeks pregnant and have started to feel bubble popping feeling. Unsure if this is gas.?
Sounds like baby movements to me! i always describe the feeling as big bubbles popping.

Congrats! exciting times :)
yes its baby moving, both times mine started off like bubbles/flutters and gradually turned into real obvious strong kicks, youll notice a pattern and you wont be able to mistake it
That is your little baby moving for sure. Enjoy all these little movements. They really are magical.
thats a little baby moving around your belly congrats

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